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Oxford University Press are offering free access to 148 graded readers. Follow this link to access.,6VE2D,A189SL,RKWJB,1

Connector: although
Although is a conjunction, so you use it to connect two clauses. e.g. Although it was raining, we went out. You can put it the

Pedro says:
“I was learning business English with JM from Septembre 2019 until January 2020. The experience was very useful in addition of fun. I think the

Francisca says:
«En el Servicio Regional de Empleo y Formación hemos tenido la suerte durante 2 años de contar con el gran apoyo de JM Greenfield. El

Vivien says:
«I have known JM personally and professionally for over 20 years. In his professional capacity he is a first class teacher. He is wonderfully sensitive

Francisco says:
“Como Account Manager en una empresa del sector de las tecnologías de la información, debo estar a diario al tanto de la actualidad tecnológica, tanto