Useful phrases
es decir = that is to say a saber = that is to say en otras palabras = in other words dicho de otra manera
es decir = that is to say a saber = that is to say en otras palabras = in other words dicho de otra manera
Some people think that English is the language with the largest vocabulary. Here is one way of looking at it: https://www.lexico.com/explorar/does-english-have-most-words
Verb suffixes: -en: widen, strengthen, lengthen -ate: communicate, irritate, complicate -ify: intensify, magnify, beautify -is(z)e: realise, economise, recognise Adverb suffixes: -ly: easily, slowly, quickly -ward(s):
-ish: Spanish, childish, foolish -ous: spontaneous, curious, envious -al: regional, universal, ancestral -ful: wonderful, helpful, useful -ic: scientific, terrific, athletic -(a, i)ble: impossible, comfortable, flexible
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