Querrás saber cuál es mi metódo de enseñanza. Nací en un país multilingüe y multicultural (Sudáfrica), en una familia de las mismas caraterísticas (inglesa y española). Estudié español, latín, afrikaans, sesotho y, por supuesto, mi propia lengua materna, el inglés. Por eso sé lo que significa aprender un idioma extranjero.
Aprender idiomas no se trata solo de reglas y repeticiones, sino de entender cómo funciona el idioma, usándolo y haciéndolo tuyo. Esto no sucede de la noche a la mañana. Pero con reflexión y práctica, puedo ayudarte a aprender a amar el inglés de la Reina tanto como yo.
You probably want to know how I teach. I come from a multi-lingual and multi-cultural country (South Africa) and the same goes for my family (English and Spanish). I studied Spanish, Latin, Afrikaans, Sesotho and, of course, my own mother tongue, English. So, I do know what it means to learn a second and foreign language.
Learning language is not just about rules and repetition, but rather about really understanding how it works, using it and making it your own. It doesn’t happen overnight, but with careful reflection and practice, I can help you learn to love the Queen’s English just as much as I do.
I focus on deeply understanding the language rather than just following rules.
My goal is for you to enjoy learning English as much as I do.
Learning takes time, practice, and reflection to truly master the language.
I teach from a multicultural and bilingual perspective, with roots in several languages.
¡Contacta y comienza tu viaje con el idioma hoy mismo!
Let’s connect and start your language journey today!
Classes and lessons will stop on Monday, 23 December 2024 and resume on Tuesday, 7 January 2025.
The Netherlands, Croatia and Greece are among those that have high proficiency. Spain, Italy and France are in the middle. However, the cities of Madrid
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