Exam results

Congratulations to Estrella on obtaining LanguageCert International ESOL B2 Communicator. Well done!

Exam results

Congratulations to Rebeca on achieiving LanguageCert International ESOL C1 Expert! Well done! (Rebeca achieved Cambridge B2 First just a couple of months ago.)

Exam results

Congratulations to Pilar on achieving Cambridge C1 Advanced. Well done!

Exam results

Congratulations to Pablo on obtaining Cambridge C1 Advanced. Well done!

End of 2023/2024 academic year

My deepest gratitude to you for your support over this last year and my very best wishes for a serene summer. I hope to see you again in September.

Examination results

Congratulations to Rebeca on passing Cambridge First Certificate. Well done!

Easter 2024

I would like to wish you a blessed Easter and a jolly Spring festival. I shall be off the grid from 28 March to 2 April (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Monday & the ‘Bando de la Huerta’). We start again on Wednesday 3 April.

Examination results

Congratulations to Gonzalo on obtaining LanguageCert C2 Mastery, cum laude.

Christmas 2023

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a new year filled with peaceful stability.