Prince Charles on Climate Change
Cambridge results
Congratulations to Victor on passing Cambridge B2 First.
Public holiday policy
The fee per month for group classes is always the same (except for December when it is reduced because of the Christmas Holidays). This means that classes that fall on public holidays are lost, but extra classes are not charged when there are 5 weeks in the month. El precio es siempre el mismo, puesto […]
Cambridge Advanced Results
Congratulations to Pedro on passing Cambridge C1 Advanced!
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
Here is a video that you might find interesting about Hornby.
Cambridge TKT Results
Congratulations to José Manuel on obtaining both TKT YL & TKT CLIL.
Cambridge Advanced Results
Congratulations to Sergio on obtaining C1 Cambridge Advanced (grade B).
Cambridge First Results
Congratulations to Manuel on passing Cambridge Frist at C1 level.
phrasal verb: run out (of)
Run out (of) means to have used up and have nothing left. In Spanish one might say ‘quedarse sin’ or ‘agotarse’. e.g. We have run out of coffee. We had better go to the supermarket and buy some. The car stopped because he had run out of petrol.
Good writing
This is a link to a lecture by Steven Pinker at the Royal Institution on the subject of good writing.