July 2022 summer classes

Conversation classes: maximum 3 participants, 45 minutes , once a week. Intensive courses: maximum 6 participants, 2 hour , twice a week. Bespoke one-to-one lessons: 45 minutes or 1 hour. I shall be taking requests over the next two weeks and shall then publish the timetable.

Useful phrases

es decir = that is to say a saber = that is to say en otras palabras = in other words dicho de otra manera = in other words primero = first, firstly, in the first place primeramente = first, firstly, in the first place en primer lugar = first, firstly, in the first place […]


I should like to wish everyone a very happy Easter and thank you for your support. I hope that this Spring heralds a time of rebirth after the pandemic and we shall continue to hold Ukraine in our thoughts. The painting is by Marieve Ortiz. https://fineartamerica.com/featured/easter-sunday-gods-resurrection-marieve-ortiz.html

Easter classes

There will be no classes on: 14 April (Maundy Thursday) 15 April (Good Friday) 18 April (Easter Monday) 19 April (‘Bando de la Huerta’)

C1 listening

Some advice on how to improve your listening skills:

Earth Hour

Switch off your lights for the Earth on Saturday, 26 March 2022 at 20h30. www.earthhour.org

Peace in the Ukraine

We stand with the people of the Ukraine. https://eacnur.org/es/crisis-ucrania?utm_source=donate.unhcr.org&utm_medium=Referral-CPC-GEN&utm_content=&utm_campaign=ES_PS_ES_Ucrania_Post_Prospecting

Conditionals: detail

Here is a finer point related to conditional sentences: But for … If John had not warned me, I would have had an accident. = But for John’s warning, I would have had an accident. [Convert the negative first part of a 3rd conditional into ‘But for’ + noun.]

Which language has the biggest vocabulary?

Some people think that English is the language with the largest vocabulary. Here is one way of looking at it: https://www.lexico.com/explorar/does-english-have-most-words