A.I. reality check

50% of A.I. experts think that there is a 10% chance that A.I. will cause the extinction of humanity.

Easter Holidays

There will be no classes or lessons from Maundy Thursday (6 April) to the Bando de la Huerta (11 April) inclusive.

Earth Hour

25 March, 20h30 local time https://www.earthhour.org/

So (part 3)

[source: Swan 1995] 8. say so & tell sb so, instead of repeating information e.g. Mary and John are getting married.  Peter told me so. 9. I told you so = I warned you, but you did not heed my warning. e.g. You’ve twisted your ankle.  You shouldn’t jump off walls.  I told you so. […]

English Proficiency Index

Spain is ranked 33 on the index, just behind Italy and ahead of France. We are ranked with ‘moderate proficiency’ (middle range). The Netherlands is at the top. https://www.ef.com/wwen/epi/

Exam results

Congratulations to Alvaro on passing LanguageCert Communicator B2!

Exam results

Congratulations to Marta on passing Cambridge B2 First Certificate in English!

So (part 2)

So: Part 2 [source: Swan 1995] 5. so … that e.g. It was so hot (that) we could not work. 6. some formal uses 6.1 so … as to … e.g. Would you be so kind as to help me with this document? 6.2 so … a … e.g. It is so glorious a view. […]

So (part 1)

1. to an extent: e.g. I feel so happy today. 2. before adjectives: e.g. Food is getting so expensive. 3. different from very because it refers to something you already know e.g. I am sorry that I am so late. 4. for emphasis e.g. Mother Teresa was so kind. Part 2 to follow shortly.  Watch […]

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